Time Matters!
Did you know every day 25,000 people die from hunger? Buck4Change wants to make every day count. That’s why it launches 5 new projects every week. There is a counter letting you know exactly how much time you have left to help! Each project has been reviewed by the Buck4Change team and deemed an important cause and something worthy of raising money for. This network allows you to support and review new projects weekly. Impact is now in your control. You give and share with others about the projects that are important to you. Join now!
How Bucks Work
There are over 1.1 million organizations in the world that are helping people everyday. Every project runs off the support of a community. Buck4Change gives you a way to harness your social network to support the causes and organizations you care about. Giving bucks will make lasting impact.
” Justin from Newport Beach gave $200 to the orphan project and helped Rescue Humanity provide 1 year of clothing to 5 orphans.”
Once bucks are given to a particular project, Buck4Change will distribute the bucks so that the organization can move forward with their project and ultimately impact the world.
Get Your Bucks Today
In order to power and fuel great projects you must stock up on bucks, so you can freely give at any opportunity that arises. You can do it very easily by ordering bucks from our buck store. Once you enter in your credit card information, you can fuel the movement and give to any project you see fit to give towards.
Support Projects
Once you join you will be able to support Buck4Change projects. The projects you support will be displayed in your account and personal history page. This way you can go back and see an overview of how much impact you’ve had over the last year.
Harness Your Network
After you have given, share the projects you support with your friends and family on Facebook, LinkedIn or through email and Twitter. This will multiply your gift, which harnesses the power of social networking. Check your account throughout the week and see the impact that you and your network have made. Your legacy can be made through a simple click of the mouse!